Jeff and I will be running the Chicago Marathon on October 12 with Team in Training to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are running in memory of Marci's dad, Walter Pilant and our friend, Marilyn Williams, who both lost their lives early to blood cancers. We are also running in honor of Shelby, a thirteeen year old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia when she was only four years old.

To donate toward our goal of $7,400, please click

To start from the beginning , click

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Update on Shelby

This is an email from Shelby's mom that I received today. Please pray for Shelby. It is families like this that are my driving force to complete this marathon and raise as much money as we can. This is real life and people are affected daily from these blood diseases.

I'm sorry that I haven't e-mailed, but my philosophy news is good news...which brings me to the update...over the last couple of years Shelby has had bouts of severe fatigue and she just does NOT feel well. We have been through a gammet of tests and the doctors have put her on thyroid medication. That seemed to work for a while and although she would be extremely tired towards the end of the school week, we chalked it up to her less than perfect system (due to the chemotherapy and side effects). Well, this summer she was still going through the fatigue, so we thought, maybe she is about to "start", she is 13 after-all. Things have gotten worse...she has been on the couch this whole week. We went to the dr. for blood work hoping that the thyroid rx needed to be "tweaked", but the numbers looked in normal she goes in for an echocardiogram...she may have an enlarged heart which would explain the fatigue. I am worried, JJ is worried and even Shelby is worried...she asked me if she would need a heart transplant!!...can you imagine having that worry at 13? It breaks my heart that she is feeling so bad, and worse that I have no solution for her. Of course, the doctors asked the usual questions...are you having trouble in school? are you having trouble with your friends? The answer to all are NO! Even she knows where they are going with that line of is so frustrating to have people think it may be emotional...I know it is NOT!! She told me today, I love 7th grade...I love it more than 6th grade, I love my classes and I miss my friends. Hopefully, she will feel better soon...please pray for her!!! She has been through TOO MUCH!! She is the sweetest, most compassionate girl...she needs a break, so do we, we are exhausted with worry...I thank you for your caring, love and support!

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