Jeff and I will be running the Chicago Marathon on October 12 with Team in Training to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are running in memory of Marci's dad, Walter Pilant and our friend, Marilyn Williams, who both lost their lives early to blood cancers. We are also running in honor of Shelby, a thirteeen year old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia when she was only four years old.

To donate toward our goal of $7,400, please click

To start from the beginning , click

Sunday, August 31, 2008

We Are Back Online

After waiting for TWO weeks for blogger to get our running blog restored, I finally gave up and created a new one. We will continue our journey at this new address

We didn't get our long run in tonight because our babysitter is out of town for the holiday. We hope to run our 16 miles tomorrow night.

My New Running Look

**copied from my personal blog**
My running blog, Reason For Running, has been removed by blogger because for some reason it was flagged as a Spam Blog (whatever that means). I took the necessary steps they told me to do to get it back up and it STILL is not up. That was Ma week ago. I do not know how to contact them to find out what's up so that is why I am blogging about running on this blog. I plan to start a new one soon because I am tired of waiting for them.So, what can I say about running?Currently I am hating it and want to quit so very badly. We just finished our long run. . .15 miles and I HURT. My sweet Camryn is rubbing my feet as I type- - - -I love her. I can't believe that I am at the point where I am saying that I am hating to run because under normal circumstances I love to run very much. But this LONG distance stuff is pure torture. I am having serious knee issues and this is what I look like now when I go out for a run:

What a NERD I am, but that is how badly my knees hurt. I am hoping these braces will help. Jeff couldn't stop laughing at me tonight when I put them on. I didn't care because he looked like a nerd himself with his little shin splint brace on his leg, which I tried to get a picture but my battery died. I WILL GET ONE THOUGH!
I am at the point now where we have committed with Team in Training to run this thing and I am too stubborn to quit. I really feel strongly about the cause and the commitment we have made so I just can't do it. I may come crawling across the finish line, but I WILL NOT QUIT!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

14 Miles Today

I am highly dreading our 14 mile run today for two reasons: 1. we missed our 12 mile run last weekend because of all the rain and 2. I thought I was going to die on our 11 mile run 2 weeks ago. Why would I think I could make it 14??? My plan is to start out REALLY slow and keep a 12 minute pace until toward the end and IF, I say IF I can pick up the pace, I will try then. Here is the course we plan to run.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 7 Thoughts

I love that 6 miles now seems quite easy to run. Our first LONG run was only 5 miles and I remember that being HARD. Now, 6 miles is one of our short midweek runs. Amazing what 6 weeks of training can do. We ran 11 miles on Sunday- - -and that was TOUGH for me. I actually wanted to quit early for the first time. As far as cardio goes, I felt like I could run forever, but my legs just get so tired after 2 hours of running. And my knees are beginning to really hurt after long runs. I hope this does not become a problem. Sunday night I started having some SERIOUS doubts about my ability to cross the finish line in Chicago. Truthfully, I am scared to death. I want so badly to complete this. . . . .I don't want to give up. . . .I want to be like my dad. Please pray for my physcial health and for us to stay injury free.
On a lighter note, I have found a new piece of gear that I just LOVE called the Sweat Gutr. Here is a picture of it:It is literally this thin plastic gutter for your forehead that drains your sweat to the sides of your head instead of dripping down into your eyes. I was a bit skeptical when I ordered it, but I have worn it a few times now and I LOVE it. It doesn't keep ALL the sweat from your eyes, but it does a tremendous job. And, it doesn't get saturated with sweat like all other headbands that are fabric since it is soft plastic. I love it when I find new things that actually work! I won't run without it- - -especially in this heat!